Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Motion Piece for Class

So, I wanted to make sure I put most of my type in for today so I can design the rest of it. I think you can tell where my designs stopped.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Motion Refined

Journal #11, Design Matters: William Drenttel & Julie Lasky

As a graphic designer myself, I feel it is important to hear from other designers out in the world that have been designing far longer than I have. It is true that the world is all about technology but what will happen with print starts to become a thing of the past? I hope it never does. For me, it is hard to read a lot on a computer screen. Yes, I can spend most of my day designing on the computer, but when it comes to absorbing information, reading, understanding, learning, I find that a nice design reference book that I can hold in my hands is better. I am waiting for the day that the FDA will come out with new studies on how staring at the computer for hours upon end causes cancer. There must be something wrong with my macbook pro. It must be causing me some damage through all of the hours I spend on it.

But for now, I will continue to do what I love on my macbook and hope that one day I won't lose my eyesight.

It was interesting to listen to William Drentel and Julie Lasky talking about how design is going totally digital. Print, though it probably won't go completely under, is slowly leaving our society. And I do agree with a comment made thatt designers aren't just coming out of school to make corporate logos. Design is all about connecting with different parts of the world. I think, this generation, those design generation needs to understand that we are called to connect our world to other worlds in order to make this whole earth better.

Debbie Millman
the President of the design division at Sterling Brands, an international design consultancy. She has been there for fourteen years and in that time she has worked on the redesign of global brands for Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Campbell’s, Colgate, Hershey and Hasbro. Debbie is President of the AIGA, the professional association for design. She is a contributing editor at Print Magazine and the chair of the new Masters in Branding program at the School of Visual Arts. In 2005, she began hosting “Design Matters with Debbie Millman,” the first weekly radio talk show about design on the Internet. She is the author of two books: How To Think Like A Great Graphic Designer (Allworth Press, 2007), and The Essential Principles of Graphic Design (Rotovision, 2008). Her new book, Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of Life and Design, will be published by How Books in Fall 2009.

GOOD Journal #10

I feel like Good is a place, first and foremost, where any person can come and understand they information they are trying to communicate to you. The videos, the mood, type, etc all showed my that their main objective is to be clear and concise as possible.

Some of the examples I have to back up my theory is:
first, their transitions. The transitions were not complicated. All seemed to connect, and when they needed to be read or focused on, the viewer had more time to read it or it stood out from the rest of the type, through being bold, or being a different color, etc.

Also, they used a lot of infographic pieces to emphasize the point they were trying to get across. Their type was not the only thing on the page. I feel like using vector images along with the type help keep the viewer's attention and keep them interacting the the motion piece.

Overall, I liked what I saw, but I would make sure in my motion piece that I focus on type and NOT graphics. I almost did that on one of my other typography pieces, and when I changed it to a purely typographical piece, it was a stronger design.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Try Number 2

I got some of the things from the last movie fixed, as in color and audio and such. Just doing 10 seconds takes such a long time!

Try #2:

Playing with Motion, Try #1

Okay, so my colors didn't render over, and one of my words, but other than looks alright. I feel like the words match well enough with the sound, and I got the sound to render so yay! I couldn't get the audio to stop after 13 seconds...I thought I did but obviously I didn't.

Try Number 1

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Motion Graphics-- Journal #9

Motion that I liked:

Don't like:

I feel like I like the motion pieces that use the type as the main point. I am more of a simple person when it comes to design and that goes with my motion. Yes graphics can be used in motion but it should help emphasize the type. I really like the 3-D camera usage in some examples like example number one but I am thinking again using it with my motion piece.

I feel like I am having a problem choosing a part of my motion to use because I like so much of us so we will see what I decide to use. I think my motion piece will look mostly like numer 2 because I am using a Presidential Candidate speech so, being more patriotic would be a good idea. I feel like he is trying to create a sense of hope through his speech and I think a patriotic theme would be good. Adlia Stevenson reminds me of President Obama where he could inspire people through what he said and how he spoke those words. I want to show inspiration through my piece.

Transitions are mainly used through scale and color. If there is a stripe that comes onto the screen, the transition could be zooming onto that stripe and creating the new background. I think I will be using a lot of zooming to create those transitions.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Adlai Stevenson Speech More information

_ Who is speaking?

Adlai Stevenson

_ Why was/is the speech important to society? 

Early in 1952, while Stevenson was still governor of Illinois, President Harry S. Truman decided that he would not seek another term as president. Instead, Truman met with Stevenson in Washington and proposed that Stevenson seek the Democratic nomination for president; Truman promised him his support if he did so. Stevenson at first hesitated, arguing that he was committed to running for a second gubernatorial term in Illinois. However, a number of his friends and associates (such as George Wildman Ball) quietly began organizing a "draft Stevenson" movement for President; they persisted in their activity even when Stevenson (both publicly and privately) told them to stop. When Stevenson continued to state that he was not a candidate, President Truman and the "bosses" of the Democratic Party looked for other prospective candidates. However, each of the other main contenders had a major weakness. Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee won most of the primaries, but he was unpopular with President Truman and other prominent Democrats, who saw him as a party maverick who could not be trusted. Senator Richard Russell, Jr. of Georgia was popular in the South, but his support of segregation and opposition to civil rights for blacks made him unacceptable to Northern and Western Democrats. Truman favored U.S. diplomat W. Averell Harriman, but he had never held elective office and was inexperienced in national politics. Truman next turned to his Vice-President, Alben Barkley, but at 74 years of age he was dismissed as being too old by labor union leaders. In the end Stevenson, despite his reluctance to run, remained the most attractive candidate heading into the Democratic Convention. At the 1952 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Stevenson, as the governor of the host state, was assigned to give the welcoming address to the delegates. His speech was so stirring and witty that it helped stampede his nomination. Despite his protestations, the delegates drafted him, and he accepted the Democratic nomination with a speech that according to contemporaries, "electrified the nation:"

_ Why do you feel in is important or interesting?

I feel this speech is a very moving speech, and I believe, like our president today, we need someone that can inspire us to move forward and, people like Adlai could have moved us forward in an inspired direction. I believe you can feel his heart and mind in this speech and that needs to be expressed.

_ What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech?

The emotion that I feel is excitement, motivation, determination, boldness, loyalty, pride. Very American patriotic feeling but still sophisticated through how he says it and what he says.

_ What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft. Where are there pauses...

He pauses a lot, he speaks slowly but in some parts he goes quicker in what he says.

_ What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or rushed?

He has great word choice, so I believe the phrases that call out on that specific word choice (alliteration for example) could be called out. Or phrases that call out his words on the American people.

_ Is there a call to action? When listening to it what are key/emphasized words?

This is the time when we had the Red Scare with communist Russia and he does call to us to stay strong and keep being Americans who strive for a better land and make it safer.

_ How does it make you feel?

It makes me feel patriotic. It makes me want to get out of bed and listen to him speak more.

_ How do imagine that the audience felt?

I imagine that the audience, liked the audiences of today, wanted to be inspired and to have hope in this time of terror and I feel he gave comfort to them. I bet they loved him, they were captivated by him.

_ Could there be another interpretation of the speech?

I think he gets his point across pretty clearl.

_ Write/find a short bio, of the person giving the speech.

Adlai Stevenson was an American politician, noted for his intellectual demeanor, eloquent oratory, and promotion of liberal causes in the Democratic Party. He served as the 31st Governor of Illinois, and received the Democratic Party's nomination for president in 1952 and 1956; both times he was defeated by Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower. He sought the Democratic presidential nomination for a third time in the election of 1960, but was defeated by Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. After his election, President Kennedy appointed Stevenson as the Ambassador to the United Nations; he served from 1961 to 1965. He died on 14 July 1965 in London, England after suffering a fatal heart attack at age 65.

Adlai Stevenson Speech

"I have tried to educate, if I have not succeeded altogether, I have certainly educated myself about these questions and about these wonderful human beings that are Americans. Just remember who you are, you are Americans. Your forbearers’ found a wilderness and they began to convert it into a fair land with only three weapons: with a Bible, an axe, and the plow. Nothing stayed them, neither the perils of death, nor wounds nor savage mountains, nor wide rivers, nor the unknown in which they plunged. They were of every racial stock and every religious belief and they brought something of the old country to the new country. And different thought they were, they became one. This is our heritage and this is our true glory. We are a people, I tell you, that is just beginning this high adventure on this continent. It is an adventure in which young, though we are, we have done this: our people have had more happiness and prosperity over a wider area and a longer time than men have ever had since they began to live in ordered society’s four thousand years ago. Since we have come so far, who shall be rash enough to set limits on our future progress, who shall say that since we have gone so far, we can go no farther? Who shall say that the American dream has ended? For myself, I believe that all we have done on this continent so far is but a prelude to a future in which we will become, not only a bigger people, but also a wiser people, a better people, an even greater people. I believe that we not only achieve a higher standard of living, but also a higher standard of life. Never forget this, there is little that we Americans cannot do if only we can imagine ourselves wanting to do it. Power alone is not enough, either is faith alone equal to the task. The future is to those who take it. We shall strike off the shackles that still bind the United States. It is the duty of the leaders to lead, the creative to create, of the daring to do. The free world expects leadership from us, its fate and our fate depends upon our leadership. The life or death issue of war or peace hangs upon it. We are 155 million strong. We are industrious, inventive, restless with the fires that burn within us. We are a free-striding people with a confident free-swinging stride that marks the American everywhere he goes upon this earth. We are conquerors of time and of distance, we have explored the awful jungles of matter and immerged with the powers of the exploding sun. Are cause is just, our heart is high, and let us then, I say, press forward, toward the new world that we can create in the name of America and of suffering humanity still in chains. Now you say words, beautiful words, but how do we do all of this, with a staggering budget of heavy taxes, surrounded by the communist menace, an enfeebled Europe, Asia in ferment, our boys in war, training for war? Well, I say nothing is easy, and the best things are the hardest. But consider what it was done at valley ford, what was done in the dark days of dissension and disaster, in the civil war, in the two world wars, when they very survival of western civilization trembled; an in the depression; there is nothing new only different, and all our troubles, all our immense difficulties, now and in the future, can I say, be solved if we have the will, the courage, the boldness to face them squarely. To use Seneca’s’ phrase, “Man is more than a rational animal.” And invoking the guidance of providence, rational men, animated by the destiny of greatness can think and can act and can do greatly. Thank you."

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sequence Exercise Reflection

I really liked the sequence exercise that we did on Wednesday. I feel like it does matter that you must study the use of different types, colors, leadings, and kearnings of type. It is essential to keep the interest of the viewer through the typography's size, shape, classification, etc.

I think this will help me with my next project because it will keep my book more interesting. It will make a historic speech into a more modern theme. I plan to make a moodboard for this book and hopefully, with the moodboard and my study of the speech, I will be able to correctly design a book fit for my speech.